Why do business with us?

We make an offer within 48 hours without obligation and fees. We can quickly close at the notary. No need to publish your property and make many visits with strangers.

How it Works?

Step 1

Submit your form

Step 2

We will estimate your property, free of charge and no visit!

Step 3

Receive an offer!

Selling your property have never been so easy with ImmoSolution!

How We Compare

Here is a comparison between our service and traditional home sale process.

Traditional home sale process

  • Pay up to 6% commission on selling price
  • Fix your property and do some homestaging
  • DO multiple visit with strangers, and clean up every time
  • Need to gro through process offer: offer, counter-proposal, inspection, wait for the financing and other conditions to be fulfill.
  • Sale with the legal warranty with the risk of having problems in the future
  • You will probably need to wait few month's before closing the deal because he have to sell his house or because he's not ready to move quickly

Our service

  • No fees no commission to paid
  • We buy as is, no repairs needed
  • We only visit once
  • We buy directly from you; no inspection needed, no condition and no stress!
  • We buy without any legal warranty at our own risk.
  • No need to wait we do fast close. We can finalise the transaction quickly when ever your are ready.


I'm ready to sell!

We buy properties all over the greater Montréal area. Click below to start